Colon Hydrotherapy



For SAME DAY appts, Call 917-528-5182


About Colonics


What is a Colonic?

Colon hydrotherapy, also referred to as a colonic, colonic irrigation, colon cleansing, and colonic lavage, is a very safe, gentle, and effective way of cleansing the colon. Through the infusion of warm, filtered water old debris is softened and hydrated to facilitate elimination.

While there are different kinds of colonic systems, I administer the closed system which means everything is contained in tubes and hoses and is sanitary, clean, odor free and therapist assisted.   

Why Should I Get a Colonic?

We live in a much more toxic world than our ancestors. On a daily basis we are bombarded with all kinds of toxins and chemicals in our food, water, air, cleaning and skincare products, and pharmaceuticals.

Our GI tract takes a real beating from a poor quality diet, challenged with herbicides and pesticides from factory farming, as well as artificial ways of inducing relaxation and energy through alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.  With so many chemicals and toxins overloading our system it becomes more difficult for our overwhelmed and overburdened eliminating and cleansing organs to do their job properly. Congestion, constipation and accumulation of these toxins and poisons circulate in the blood stream and get stored in the body creating many health issues and diseases. 

Colon Hydrotherapy is one of the most powerful and effective ways of cleansing and detoxifying the digestive system. A colonic helps remove the buildup of waste material in the colon and on the colon wall, such as impacted feces, dead cellular tissue, trapped gas, accumulated mucous, parasites and worms. 

 What are the Health Benefits of Colonics?

Colon Hydrotherapy can change the quality of your life. It can cleanse and rejuvenate not only the colon but all of your body’s elimination systems, minimizing the absorption of toxic waste, improving hydration and the absorption of good nutrients. 

The result is often more energy and vitality as well as improved overall wellbeing.  

That’s why a regimen of colon cleansing combined with healthy diet and exercise is paramount to optimal health and prevention of so many degenerative diseases.

What to Expect


When you arrive, you will be taken to a private room where you will be asked to get undressed from the waist down. You will then lie on a table fully draped. A gentle infusion of warm, purified water will be introduced into your colon to loosen and remove old debris. No chemicals or drugs will be used. The inflow and release of water will be repeated several times resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. A gentle abdominal massage is performed to assist in the elimination.

Treatments last approximately 45 minutes and include the discussion of your health, goals and the colon cleansing treatment. When the session is over, you will be given time in a private bathroom to release on your own if necessary. 

Before departing, you will be given an electrolyte drink filled with trace minerals to replenish electrolytes.

After the colonic you will most likely feel lighter, less bloated, more energetic and you may experience more clarity of mind. Some feedback I have received from clients after a series of treatments include clearer skin, regular bowel movements, enhanced hydration and increased nourishment on many different levels - emotionally, physically, and mentally. Some feel a sense of uplift and freedom from the hindrance of toxic substances.


Please print and complete THIS FORM prior to appointmenT:


To help make your colon hydrotherapy experience more pleasant, gentle and beneficial, please follow these recommendations for two to three days prior to your session: 

  • Eat light meals, increasing your intake of plant based foods and liquids, (fruits, veggies, vegetable juices, soups, whole grains, steamed greens), to help loosen and move the impacted waste. The hard, built up food debris and accumulated toxins require fiber and roughage to aid in removal 

  • Drink plenty of water (half of your weight in ounces) so as to be fully hydrated

  • Try to avoid animal protein, but if you cannot, stick to chicken and fish.

  • Refrain from red meat, sugar, dairy, flour products, and carbonated beverages 


Do not eat anything two hours prior to your appointment and refrain from drinking one hour prior to your session. 


Since everyone has a unique medical history, you should consult with your primary health care provider to determine if you are able to receive a colonic.

Please note that people with certain medical conditions should NOT receive colon hydrotherapy unless given approval by and/or prescription from a medical doctor.

These conditions include the following:

  • Anemia: Severe

  • Aneurysm

  • Carcinoma of the Large Intestine/Rectum

  • Cardiac Disease: Severe

  • Cirrhosis of the Liver

  • Congestive Heart Failure

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Colitis: Severe

  • Diverticulitis: Acute

  • Epilepsy/Seizures

  • Fissures/Fistulas

  • GI Hemorrhage/Perforation

  • Hemorrhoids: Severe

  • Hernia: Incarcerated Abdominal

  • Kidney Dialysis

  • Pregnancy

  • Prostatitis

  • Renal Insufficiency/Failure

  • Surgery: Recent Abdominal, Colon, Rectum w/in 6 months

  • Tumors of the Large Intestine or Rectum

  • Rectal Bleeding

  • Uncontrolled Hypertension

Cancellation Policy

Please be so kind as to give a 24 hour rescheduling or cancellation notice; otherwise missed appointments will be charged. A credit card number will be taken at time of booking. Payment in full will be taken at the time of service for all treatments rendered. 


Licensing Info for Evelyn Arroyo: Florida #MA54694, #MM45098

Please note, that I am not a medical practitioner, nor do I diagnose, prescribe medication, give medical advice or treat any condition or disease. Colon hydrotherapy is not intended as a cure for disease but as a catalyst for better health. If you suspect health problems, please consult with your M.D.

The content shared on this site is a representation of my personal experiences with colon cleansing and wellness as well as the experiences of clients. The information published here is intended for educational and informational purposes only.

Call 917-528-5182 to schedule an appointment